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Ltd., FOP, PE, PJSC, TDV, LLC and other forms

Legal services for registration of an enterprise in public authorities (State Tax Service, State Registration Service, other state bodies).

Forming the right legal foundation plays an important role in the beginning and further functioning of your business. How you will carry out your activities and receive income in the future depends on the correct and proper implementation of priority actions in the registration of a legal entity. Due to legal norms, these processes are closely intertwined and interconnected. If you plan to open your business , you will need to go through the process, starting from the choice of organizational form of the enterprise and ending with the development and execution of priority organizational and administrative documents (staffing, employment orders, etc.)

Due to legal peculiarities, the process of registering a legal entity for ordinary people is difficult and confusing, but lawyers and attorneys of the Podolsk Legal Center are qualified professionals in this matter and know how to help you in this situation.

In addition, in practice, you can often find a situation when there is an urgent need for legal support of business.

Our specialists provide a wide range of services related to registration and business support, regardless of the organizational and legal form.

For the optimal solution of urgent issues that will arise before you during the registration and management of a legal entity, you should make an appointment for a consultation with our specialists.

I draw your attention to the fact that the consultation of our specialists on this issue is absolutely free, which is why if you have current issues in this area - we recommend that you contact us immediately.

The administrative practice developed by the Podolsk Legal Center will allow you to build an effective legal strategy for your business.

Services of specialists of the Podolsk legal center in the field of tax law:

  • consultations on the most optimal form of organization of the enterprise. LLC or PP, FOP or PP, etc .;

  • consultations on the procedure for establishing an enterprise;

  • negotiating with the founders, organizing meetings;

  • organization and holding of constituent meetings of founders. Keeping and drawing up the minutes of the meeting of founders;

  • development of the Charter of the enterprise;

  • registration and completion of registration cards for the registration service;

  • registration of an enterprise, limited liability company;

  • FOP registration;

  • registration of other forms of companies;

  • registration of the enterprise in tax authorities;

  • organization of turnkey document management;

  • Organization of enterprise accounting;

  • accounting of the enterprise;

  • organization of the accountant's work;

  • legal support of the enterprise…

The above list of services of the Podolsk Legal Center is not exhaustive. That is why if you want to get more information about the registration and legal support of your business and how our team can help you - contact us or write to the CHAT.

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