Lawyers of Kyiv and Vinnytsia provide full legal support of economic activity of the enterprise (FOP, LLC, PJSC, etc.) Lawyers work in Kyiv, Kyiv region, as well as Vinnytsia and the region. We provide the following services such as remote legal services for small and large enterprises throughout Ukraine. We have considerable experience in resolving commercial disputes . Tax issues are decided by Tax Disputes Lawyers . A professional team of lawyers provides comprehensive legal support for the establishment, registration of enterprises, limited liability companies, as well as legal support for the liquidation and reorganization of enterprises .
appeal against illegal actions of inspectors of the State Labor Service
appeal against the decision to suspend or reject tax invoices
legal services in the field of corporate law
representation and protection of interests
contract verification
checking current documents
checking the integrity and reliability of the counterparty
checking the integrity of employees
support during negotiations
Appeals against bidding decisions
Appeal against the imposition of fines for violation of labor legislation
Legal Support of IT Business
Specifics only:
Verification of draft agreements with foreign companies
Debt collection in other countries under agreements with foreign companies
Protection of intellectual property (development, copyright, copyright, copyleft, etc.) in the field of Information Technology
Effective management of Intellectual Property (licensing, audit, etc.)
Consultations on business taxation
Appeals against decisions (requirements, notifications-decisions) of tax authorities
Protection of an IT lawyer in criminal proceedings
legal support during searches, confiscation of property
return of illegally seized property
appealing against illegal actions and decisions of law enforcement agencies
Legal support when making business trips
Representation in courts, international institutions