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in Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Lviv

... from trainee to Partner! ..

Students of higher educational institutions, lawyers have an opportunity to pass training in leading  legal  firms, bar associations , take an internship with a lawyer in Vinnytsia, Lviv, Kyiv. Under the guidance of experienced lawyers from Vinnytsia, Lviv, Kyiv  the trainee will acquire practical skills of a lawyer's work in criminal, civil, administrative cases, cases of administrative offenses . Practitioners, lawyers and other specialists in the field of law have the opportunity to join the internship. We work on the principle: "From trainee to partner".   

Стажування студентів правників

We are always interested in applicants with outstanding abilities. If you want to work in our team of lawyers or support specialists, we will be happy to consider your application.

Internship for law students

Internship of lawyers

Internship with a lawyer

Internship in a law firm

Internship in a law firm 

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