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Non-payment of Guarantees for Servicemen І Military Attorney

Recently, we have been increasingly approached by servicemen regarding non-payment of financial support by the command of military units. Complaints are received both from discharged servicemen who were not settled upon discharge from the service, and from current servicemen who do not receive their due funds in a timely manner.

Incorrect calculation of salary, non-payment of cash benefits or compensation for unused leave, refusal to provide cash benefits - these are just some of the most common violations of the rights of servicemen.

Mykhailo KOZACHUK, a lawyer with the Podilsky Legal Center, calls on all servicemen whose rights to cash benefits have been violated to challenge such actions by the military command in court.

Yes, if you are currently in military service, you are entitled to the following benefits:

  • salary;

  • salary by military rank;

  • allowances, rewards, bonuses

  • lump sum payments for recovery or in connection with family circumstances

  • one-time cash benefits

All these payments together constitute the financial support of the serviceman and must be paid by the command of the military unit on a monthly basis by the 20th of each month.

If you do not receive any categories of payments, you should challenge such inaction of the command by going to court. If you are serving under a contract, non-payment of cash benefits may also be grounds for termination of such a contract due to non-compliance with its provisions by the military.

If you have already been discharged from military service, but have not yet received full payment, you can also file a lawsuit against the command of your unit in court.

All, without exception, the category of cash benefits must be paid on the day of discharge and exclusion from the lists of military personnel. This includes all payments:

  • payment of salary and salary for military rank

  • payment of allowances, rewards and bonuses

  • compensation for unused main and additional leave,

  • one-time cash benefit,

  • indexation of monetary security

  • compensation for unreceived cash.

An appeal to the court against late payment upon dismissal may lead not only to the repayment of the amount of the debt, but also to the recovery of the average salary for the entire period while such a debt existed.

The team of the Podolsk Legal Center is ready to provide legal protection to servicemen who have been deprived of the right to cash benefits.

Contact us via CHAT or by phone, and we will definitely consult you!


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