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...we are going in the one way to success...

Our lawyers and attorneys provide legal services to agricultural enterprises, agribusiness and farmers. We have the opportunity to legal advice on their burning issues, prepare the documents required in their administrative activity, formalize contractual relationships with contractors.

Адвокат аграрного підприємства

Our legal support of agribusiness consist:

  • drafting and analyzing all types of agreements;

  • legal support for various legal actions;

  • legal analyzing of  documents of agricultural enterprises;

  • legal services to protect the agribusiness from unlawful decisions, acts and inaction of authorities and appealing against them;

  • making and filing with courts statements of claim and other documents;

  • representing in courts of all instances;

  • etc.

Also, our specialists focus on all legal services to foreign individual farmers and agricultural enterprises to arrange and set up their business in Ukraine.  We provide legal services to foreign investment enterprises in Ukraine.

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