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What to do if the debtor-enterprise voluntarily does not comply with court decisions and does not pay the funds awarded in court? How to check the condition of funds and property of a legal entity to achieve the execution of a court decision in their favor?

Debt collection is a rather complex process, which is regulated in detail by the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings" and includes the detection of property, its seizure and description, as well as the sale.  


Enforcement of decisions is carried out by state executors. Having received a writ of execution, they first pay the debt to the debtor's funds: hryvnia, foreign currency, funds in bank accounts and deposits, securities, accrued wages.

If these funds are insufficient, the recovery is transferred to the property: vehicles, real estate, including land and buildings and premises, intellectual property, equipment, machinery and more. ​

Identification of such property of the enterprise is one of the most difficult stages of execution of a court decision.

Usually you can get information about the property available to the company by contacting the relevant authorities. So:

  • upon request to the fiscal service you can get data from bank accounts;

  • upon request, data on cars are issued to the State Automobile Inspectorate;

  • information about real estate can be obtained from the register of real estate, which is accessible to the Contractor;

  • The National Depository of Ukraine may provide upon request information on the debtor's securities;

  • upon request to Ukrpatent it is possible to find available intellectual property objects.

However, often information on movable property that is not reflected in the registers can be obtained from the Statement of financial condition of the enterprise, which can be obtained at the request of the Contractor to the State Statistics Service.

The process of enforcing decisions and recovering debts will definitely be fast and efficient if you enlist the support of experienced lawyers.

Lawyers of the Podolsk Legal Center are ready to help you with this.

Call the number , or write your problem in the CHAT !

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