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Consultation of the Military Advocate
військовий адвокат призовнику

Military lawyers of the Podolsk Legal Center specialize in military registration, conscription, registration of a reservist at the military registration and enlistment office and other issues related to registration, obtaining a registration certificate, change of residence, passing a medical commission for conscription, evasion from conscription and more. Our company provides consultations for conscripts in Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Lviv, as well as ONLINE. If you need the advice of a military lawyer on conscription, granting deferment of conscription - you to us!

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  • consultation of a lawyer on the issue of registration certificate, registration to the conscription station

  • consultation of a military lawyer on passing a medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office

  • the issue of deferment of conscription

    • whether there are grounds for obtaining a deferral of when

    • what documents must be submitted

    • What is the deadline for submitting documents to the military registration and enlistment office in order to obtain / not lose the right to deferment of conscription?

    • am I entitled to deferment? Ask a question to a military lawyer

    • can the postponement of the call be canceled? In which cases.

    • what is a re-examination?

  • what if I received a summons to the military registration and enlistment office?

  • who is subject to conscription and what are the terms of conscription

  • what will happen if you do not show up at the military registration and enlistment office?

  • what is the responsibility for evading conscription?

  • what is the responsibility for evading conscription

  • what is the responsibility for evading military registration

  • military conscription. What it is?

  • is it necessary to pass a medical commission?

  • does my illness entitle me to deferment?

  • why send for re-examination?

  • how to appeal against the actions of the military registration and enlistment office, which illegally calls for military service?

  • whether I will be declared unfit for military service due to flat feet or other illness

  • from which year they are called up for military service.

  • alternative service what is it?

  • other issues related to military registration and conscription

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